Monday, September 15, 2008


ok... Let the debate begin...

There are a zillion things happening in our culture that impact how communities engage. However, there are a limited number of these cultural "stuff" that seem to make a difference in our field... Here's my token top ten... Please add yours:

1. It's about "place". We live in a three dimensional world... After all is said and done - and respecting the increasing importance of the virtual dimension - the physical location of where we live, play, worship, socialize, and work constitutes the most sustainable venues for people-to-people engagement. (Place rules!)

2. Networking A-New. Facebook; LinkedIn; Tweeter; MySpace... That is the list today, tomorrow it'll be a different list. (The virtual world does matter!)

3. Social entrepreneurship is king. There's a fine line between non-profit and for-profit... Indeed, most of the most amazing work in our field is done by people that do the work without giving a thought to 'profit', institution, or structure. (The world is flat!)

4. Youth Yaks. Txt bk or di... If we don't engage the youth in our work, we are planning for self-obsolescence. (Period!)

5. Accountability. We'd better be good, and be able to prove it... Regardless of how good we are, if we can not account for the measurable, impactful results, others will barely notice. (Bean counters, unite!)

6. It's ok to shoot the breeze. Much to the surprise of many, conversation still matters... Good old fashion conversation, story-telling, and just simply 'hanging out' - without a definitive outcome in mind - is still effective. (Talk Talk Talk!)

7. Diversity is dead. Long live diversity... In our zeal to be inclusive, we may have lost the ability to focus, target, and be definitive. (The absurdity of political correctness?!)

8. They are us. We are them... Some of my best friends are bankers, funders, and some are even rich - yet they understand us, and even fought along side of us! (Partnerships amongst friend is easier than among enemies!)

9. Internationale. "It's a small world after all"... What happens in Pakistan matters in Peoria - and we can learn from each other. (Connecting is easy!)

10. Soccer Moms; Single Moms; Super Moms. The 'feminization' of the field... Women constitute an ever increasing number of participants in community engagement circles. (Viva la femme!)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Community Organizing in the Presidential Race

I write this to you from Chicago.

I just came back from a field trip to the Southside, including going by Obama's house and then meeting in a church basement with local community organizers including a young Muslim that is mentoring black and latino kids... Also heard the Executive Director of the Alianza Hispana here in Chicago give the most eloquent history lesson about community organizing I've heard!... Now, why is THAT not on YouTube?


So, Gov. Palin has totally dissed my chosen life passion, professional pursuit, and civic commitment… To remind us, she said:

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.”

I wonder how it would have landed had she said:

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "teacher," except that you have to actually know something.”; or,

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like most "oil companies," except that you have to actually care about who you do business with.”; or,

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like some “CEOs," except that you have to actually account for your results.”

Her direct affront on “community organizers” reaffirms her negative perception of those of us who care – and have empathy – for others; those of us that believe that together we make a grander whole; and those of us that see the discernment of individuals and self interest as prerequisite and complementary to (not in lieu of or independent of) constructive collective action.

I wonder how she thinks the evangelical right and the anti-abortion forces have been so successful if not by doing incredibly successful “community organizing”?… I wonder how SHE got elected if not by the efforts of her own “community organizing” friends?

Unfortunately, this rhetoric takes me back to when working in Mississippi in the early 80’s, I was told by local officials to “never, ever use the term ‘community organizing’ around here… You can use ‘outreach staff’ and/or volunteer coordinator… But, never, ever use around these hills that ‘commie’ term from them northeaster lefty loonies: community organizing.”… That was told to me by a small town mayor in Mississippi. He also happened to have been a key David Duke supporter. (For you younger guys, Google David Duke and you'll see what I mean!)

Obviously, Palin is trying to appeal to that segment of the American voter who want to reject anything resembling urban America – and all that implies. She is also trying to appeal to the rural, gun-trotting, SUV owner who wants to reject anything resembling the intellectual, broad-minded, educated America – and all that implies. Finally, she is obviously trying to appeal to the simple, conservative, narrow-minded electorate who want conservative, simple-minded solutions to complex problems… Evil exists? Defeat it!; Want health insurance? Pay for it!; Want oil independence? Drill! Drill! Drill!; You don’t like me? I’ll fight you!; Fight! Fight! Fight!

According to Palin – and by inference, her ticket - it seems we need to forget about talking through possible solutions, alternative options… Forget about listening to those that you disagree with; understanding their position… Forget about bringing people together that are being impacted by questionable policies and programs - or economic decisions - beyond their control… And, if you forget about all of this, of course there is no need for ‘community organizing’!

…And, I’d be remiss if I did not highlight the incredible lack of diversity in the crowd, the speakers, and the “thinking” of the Republican convention… Frankly, if America had a “White” Party, would it look much different? … THAT is a scary thought for the year 2020!... It may just be that demographically, the politics of fear the Republicans are presenting may just convince enough whites that this is their last best shot at remaining in power for just that one more election cycle… And, we all know where all those ‘community organizers’ work, right?

This gets personal in another way . I am the product of a system that bastardized the highest concepts of community organizing and turned a potential exemplary bottom-up system into a top-down authoritarian regime. (Yes, I am referring to Cuba, of course.) So I am hyper-sensitive to this issue, I know...

Community organizing is a real change agent - and both candidates seem to know it! It just happens that one party seems to know how to do it and the other is afraid of it!

The bottom line is: Will the number of Americans voting out of fear exceed the number of Americans excited about the possibilities of a new direction?... It truly seems to boil down to who is going to do a better job getting out the vote. And, we all know that to get out the vote, nothing works better than good ol’ community organizing!

Reemberto Rodriguez

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can community engagement and neighborhood revitalization actually be defined by anyone other than those individuals 'engaged' in community and those that are impacted by the 'revitalization'?... What is the role of the 'professional' in engaging communities and revitalizing neighborhoods?... Does traditional planning approach and organizing techniques suffice today? - Or, is there a new body of thought, provocative strategies, and innovation in this field?... Who knows? Who decides? Who speaks for whom?